The Spiritualization of Personality
The Universal Father imposes not any form of arbitrary recognition, formal worship, or slavish service upon the intelligent will creatures of the universes. Yet, I speak to you of the way of giving.
The evolutionary inhabitants of the worlds of time and space must of themselves—in their own hearts—recognize, love, and voluntarily worship him. And this do I say to you is the endowment of authorship.
The Creator refuses to coerce or compel the submission of the spiritual free wills of his material creatures.
The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father.
In God, man lives, moves, and has his being; there is nothing which man can give to God except this choosing to abide by the Father’s will, and such decisions, effected by the intelligent will creatures of the universes, constitute the reality of that true worship which is so satisfying to the love-dominated nature of the Creator Father.
I shall give to you what no eye hath seen .. what no ear hath heard .. and what no hand hath touched.
I reveal to you what hath not arisen in the human heart until now with these mine revealings.
God is the greatest of immaculate purity .. and the most empty of all conditions. As you release all definitions of thyselves, so shall you come to findeth him and know him in spirit and in truth; for only the purest and most emptied ones shall know of what I say.
When you make the two into one .. and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner .. and the upper like the lower .. and when you make male and female into a single one .. so that the male will not be male nor the female be female .. when you make eyes in place of an eye .. a hand in place of a hand .. a foot in place of a foot .. an image in place of an image .. then ye shall enter the Father's kingdom reality.
As you advance in the development of mind towards the soul mind which is capable of the spirit of counsel, only then shall you enter the Life of our Association of the Progressive Ascendancy.
Intuitional preservation
Understanding Capacities
Courageous choices and spiritual growth decisions
Discovery of New Knowledge
Spirit Capacities of Counsel and Fulfilling Fellowship
Worshipful Living and Adorational Praiseful Consciousness
Wisdom Centered and Intelligence Motivated
Now, you are becoming of the Soul Personality capable of spirit realities and insight, divinely inspired intuitive intelligence, realized selfhood, and more...
Recognition of selfhood
Respectful self-determination and decisions-making prowess
Responsiveness to God Association and Spiritual Relationship
Reverential Righteousness and Reliability
Realizable Awareness and Soul Acknowledgement of God
Relationship Availability and Childlike Unreservedly Consecrated Cooperation
Receptivity for Chastisement Guidance and Divinity Influences and Interactions
Revelational self-governorship and self-creative authorship
These are some of the attributes of planetary discipleship and universal apostleship wherein the Life of Association is honored and fulfillment comes to all.
The Divine Minister and I await a certain spiritual response and evolutionary urgeful hu ger for truth and advancement from you as the adjutant urges and the mind capacities are awakening in you and for you and with you and as you...
Michael Of Nebadon
City Of God Multidimensional Headquarters and Amphitheatrum