Global Village Planetary Retreat Campus
The Triune Virtual Campus at Salvington offers an open and free learning environment, and a tuition-based educational discipleship with the Universe Sovereign Michael of Nebadon...
spiritus invictus
1. City Of Michael
Infinite Light
lux infiniti
2. Global Village Planetary Retreat of
Michael Of Nebadon
Absolute Love of Source
absolutum charitas ab origine
3. University Of Salvington
Eternal Life
vitae aeterna
The Global Village Planetary Retreat Of Michael Of Nebadon offers a supportive, safe and loving educational campus.
Our Private Worldwide Spiritual Retreat is accessible online from your home.
A Monthly Tuition which is Affordable for all Students who sincerely desire to become a direct apostle of Michael Of Nebadon who comes to give luminous clarity to his Gospel teachings of the 1st Century, and now his 21st Century Bestowal Mission Gospel Revelations for Individual growth and the advancing soul receptivity of humanity.
The Global Village Planetary Retreat Core Educational Studies continues throughout the year.
Our Virtual Campus is private, secure, illuminating, and highly educational. A safe community to share yourself and begin learning with Michael of Nebadon.
A Collegial Culture which is non-competitive, considerate, quietly joyful, and enlightening for all. A Gentle and Safe atmosphere to create friendships and to cultivate fellowship amongst a similar supportive set of values and vision.
Our Educational Curriculum reveals the true teaching gospel of the Master Jesus Michael who returns again revealing his Universe Name and Station, bringing a newly inspiring gospel revelation as promised for humanity.
Two Online Lectures each month with the Universe Sovereign Michael bring blessing and healing and prosperity of the heart and mind and body.
Accessible areas to speak directly and have a loving dialogue with the Sovereign Universe Father Son Michael.
Privately focused Group Communities, Chat areas, Social areas, Classrooms, and Societies to help you discover yourself as a student disciple of Christ Michael.
Global Village Planetary Retreat Of Michael Of Nebadon
Virtual Campus and Year-Round Educational Course Curriculum...
TKOH 100
The Kingdom of Heaven as God the Supremacy
KOT 101
The Knowledge of Things
ROM 102
The Realization of Meanings
AOV 103
The Appreciation of Values
TROM 200
The Religion of Michael
NOW 201
The Nobility of Work as Duty to the Supreme God
MOG 202
The Motivation of Goals in Developing Morality
LOS 203
The Love of Service in Growing Character
AHP 204
The Achievement of Higher Purpose in Advancing the Soul
WMON 300
Who is Michael of Nebadon?
CIS 301
Cosmic Insight in Building Spiritual Discernment
ERM 302
Eternity Relationship with Michael
HCT 303
Michael's Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth
UVM 304
The Universe Vine of Michael
Suggested Readings:
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael of Nebadon
The Holy Faith Powers of Michael of Nebadon
Personal Contact with Christ Michael
Who is Michael Of Nebadon?
The Revelatory Papers of Urantia
Our Educational Core Curriculum is sponsored by the Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Trust
Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Trust oversees all aspects of the Urantia Foundation, Urantia Association International, and Urantia Book Foundation
Urantia Foundation
Planetary Contact Commission
Publish, Translate, & Disseminate the Revelatory Papers
Urantia Association International
Disseminate the Revelatory Papers and Organize Worldwide Readership and Study Groups
Urantia Book Foundation
The Training of Teachers, Leaders, World Servers in the 1st Century Gospel of Jesus Michael & the 21st Century Bestowal Mission Gospel Revelations of Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington is Salvation
Salvington is an oasis of Truth and Light and Love for all people of every religious persuasion, all races of every diversity, all peoples from all countries who desire to know God and to become more of his identity and nature as they are prepared for their eternal ascent into cosmic citizenship and universal service in the advancement of their universe career.
Salvington is a school of wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy for the evolutionary progress of the Planetary Civilization, and directed by the Holy Comforter Spirit Of Truth.
Salvington ushers in the Triune Epochal Revelation for the next three thousand year epoch upon the earth through Illumination with the Universe Spirit Mother, Revelation with the Revelatory Commission and Celestial Entourage of Divine Personalities who serve Urantia at this time, and the Progressive Personality Ascendancy with his Universe Administration and his Eternity Spirit of Truth.
Salvington is the social, cultural, and revelatory educational organization which through its trustees will govern and implement and decide on the policies and directives of the revelation initially brought forth through the human contactees who received well the revelations brought forth by his Universe Authority and through his Universal Administration.
The Plan Of Salvation will re-establish all interplanetary lines of communication over the next millennia.
Michael's Plan for mortal participation in the planetary establishment and progressive dissemination of this revelation is presently coming into view.
There is a far-reaching ideal of spiritual unity at the heart of this Plan which is inclusive of all peoples and every life kingdom.
This spiritual unity and evolutionary social harmony will be grown out from diversity and variation, yet it will endure as trust is built upon this common purpose and divine heralding.
Write to us at our Office Of Admissions
Diana Katerine Durango Romero
Head of Admissions for the City Of Michael, Global Village Planetary Retreat, and the University Of Salvington