The Wonders of Truth
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in the heaven of heavens .. and then shall all the life of the earth mourn and grieve and starve for righteousness and understanding; for this shall be the struggle of all ideologies and fallen powers .. and they shall see now with the eye of their faith and the ear of their trust .. the Son of man arriving .. coming with the federations of honor and grace .. the clouds of heaven are seen to be parting .. and with all power and great glory emanating out from these cities of light .. the children of the One Infinity are now poised to become resurrected and ascended into light.
And the Father Universal .. he sends his legions of angels and masters of direction .. he commands many of his divine personages to showeth themselves upon the world stage with a great vibratory sounding that shall be the one transforming force to reconstruct the world .. and the everyday people of the earth shall come together with understanding grace and discipline .. the fruit-bearing disciples of the world shall discover they hold the capacities for greater truth to emerge .. they shall bring forth from within themselves the truest of desires and considerations which shall cause to topple in themselves all artificiality .. then, the apostles of God Intimacy who are of his elect from all portions of the planet shall arise .. and from one end of the heavens to the other end they shall stand forth ipon this grief-stricken world in a renewal of receivership and in an enhancement of their reverence for Life .. in a sincere readiness for relationship with the portion of Living Life which hath taken residence in them .. and in these renovations which are unfolding, the Lord thy God shall maketh new all the planetary life in its oneness and diversity...
Michael Of Nebadon