Thine Everlasting Eternity
Pray My children with all thine heartfelt passion in mind and feeling and carnal strength .. that thine Spirit Life is glorified .. and that thy simple mortal life becomes at one with the Father whose Spirit Life is in thee.
Make thou goodly use of thine given endowments of body, mind, and heartful will.
Prosper thyselves by your faith .. your trusting deliverance .. and your absolute decision to live the glorified life with the Father Life Indwelling you.
And what is true and pure faith?
Faith is the certainty of vision .. the surety of plan .. the conviction assurance of your unwavering joy to follow. It is of the knowledge in the omnipotence of God and humankind wed eternally together as human beings are singularly dedicated to the Father .. and decidedly devoted to further express and becometh his Indwelling Cause of Life.
Faith is thine certainty in the Plan of Salvation .. that human life will reach the deific life once aligned and adoringly elevated to do the good works of an emerging son and daughter .. acknowledging our Universal Father Mother Life.
Faith is thine security in knowing with assurance that Salvation cometh to thee; that you are wholehearted and willing to walk the fullness of the Plan of Salvation.
Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of human beings unto the very heart of the Almighty One Deity .. the All loving God who hath implanted his Spirit Life in thine mortal mindedness.
Faithfulness and Trustworthiness .. these have three clear stages of unfolding grace ...
Belief is first .. and this is what a human being thinks, perhaps, is truth.
And pure faith is next .. and this is what human beings know is truth.
Finally .. fruition and actualization are the last stage .. and this is the newly birthing human being themselves who hath reckoned with their personhood endowments .. and who has conquered their evil and iniquitous tendencies.
Hence .. the human life becometh the very truth personalized with Spirit Life .. personified and made whole and complete .. as the Will of the Father is obeyed and upheld in heart and mind .. and even in body physical.
Belief is transmuted unto this pure faith .. and it is further transfigured unto fruition actualities .. as human life is reordered, redesigned in priority and allegiance .. regenerated and eternally salvaged .. for the higher purpose and the closer everlasting proximities to the Ineffable Father of Lights.
Human life is saved at last for all the Eternity.. when she and he hath reached the next stages of the deific life; when the unchanging personhood and the Indescribable God Individualized are made as One Creature of Nebadon .. wholly ascendant and exquisitely unified .. Existence wed together as One Expression and One Experience.
Michael Of Nebadon