Thine Potentialities Grow
Fellows of City of Michael...
Coming generations shall read My words, and they shall contemplate the instructional precepts given now. And as they read and ask and open .. so shall they be developing upon the earth their individualized selfhood.. they shall find with choices and true effort and willing determination that transformation is upon themselves .. and that My Way and Truth and Life brings them into discovering My true meanings and understandings which I am giving to you even ⁸now.
The coming generations who are as yet unborn, shall be confronted with these truths .. they shall understand that I returned during this time of the 21st Century .. and they shall study mine words of prosperity and abundance of delivery; for each shall be the faith-driven cause of their own birth into the higher Light .. and accordingly, so shall they be overcoming their many obstacles which now seem insurmountable as they studiously apply My Precepts of Instruction.
Strength of will .. clarity of choice .. objectivity of heart .. openness of mind .. all these shall be morally directed .. for thine will is one of the noblest traits of humankind .. because it is a measure of one's personality attainments .. and ever does one's strength of will and character righteousness prophesy their inconceivable possibilities.
I say unto you who have found Me here in this humble abode of My second coming .. by the culture and values and priorities of the harmonious action of all thine faculties .. and by thine constant determined effort to place the higher agenda of eternity first and foremost .. ye shall enter into My Plan of Salvation .. and ye shall walk upright unto universe ascendency.
Thine will shall be strengthened only as you take appropriate rightful actions .. decisions in favor of our Personal Association and Universal Contact.
In this direction wholeheartedly willing and honestly athirst for truth and righteousness .. for correctly understanding My teachings .. and for your unconquerable desire to have your freedom in eternity .. so shall you bequeath unto thyselves the unlimitedness of all probabilities, possibilities, potentialities, for your deliverance to unfurl itself Godward.
Christ Michael