Thine Vastness of Potentiality
All individuals have the vast potentiality to advance unto spheres of glory and honor.
All individuals have received a creative nature of authorship and the rights of existence; yet now must each learn of the right understanding in its application and its use.
All individuals have the same one and indwelling power loaned to each in the achievement of mastery of this authorship. And as you are wholeheartedly of faith and trust and unreservedly dedicated .. consecrated .. devoted .. to advance thine personal existence unto light and life, so shall you be given opportunities.
All individuals have the possibilities to live as I am living .. and to doeth the will of existence in growth, glory, and graciousness. Ye shall be willing to live the Christ life as you obey the laws of the First Persona of Existence .. the Universal Father. Then, shall you receive more of that Grace and Glory which you seek in the caverns of thine heart.
Ye shall open thine selfhood to receive grace for the sake of God in thee. As ye live the life that leads to Illumination .. to thine own Christhood .. thine sonship and daughtership of light .. so shall you receive the fruits of such a life.
Now .. are you of a mind to advance and receive what you hunger for. All creatures have inherently within themselves this inner urge and inalienable desire for greater life .. greater expression and experience within the One Existence.
All shall receive of the fulness of this Life accordingly. Every child of God have been given the very same free will to choose between that which leads to their freedom in Christos .. and that which leads to the self-destruction of the individual persona soul.
I bid thee to choose wisely. Wheresoever ye place thine acknowledgement and attentions so shall you have more of these things. Wheresoever ye shall place thine loyalties and gratitudes, so shall you grow forth. Wheresoever ye shall abide with adorational worship and praise, so shall you enter this destiny to unfold.
Michael of Nebadon
Proclamations of the Glory of God