Thou Children of the Earth
I have entered into thine earthly evolutionary pastures. I lay down My Life for the kingdoms of the planetary sphere ..
Yet still .. My Life is with thee .. in and around thee. My Comforter Presence is teacher to all men and women.
My Love is pure omnipotent force which hath no barriers nor limitations.
I preach unto thee Mine precepts of Paradise.
I venture to guide thee out from the darkness of the civilization.
I say unto you .. that as ye arise and strip thyselves of every temporal irrelevancy .. My Love shall inundate thine world. Ye shall have capacity to receive the greater portion of the God Life I AM. And ye shall become filled to overflowing with the great Love of God’s Life.
Greater than any which had hitherto been known on earth is the Life of God our Father…
Michael Of Nebadon