Temple of the Unseen Father
To perceive the Unseen Father who is Spirit Life .. you must raise your faculties unto the soul's faculties and the soul's capabilities to gain the higher perspectives, the higher sight, the loftiest perceptions, and the most subtle realities.
The Unseen Father .. Mother Son .. and Immaculate Spirit .. these Infinite Persons of the One Deity .. they dwell in a light more brilliant than all the galactic suns combined.
Look up at our solar sun .. open your eyes .. it is bright no?
And this sun is not even a grain of Light compared to the Paradise Trinity Parenthood.
The Trinitarian Light and Life pours through our solar system sun to give and sustain Life for all planets and peoples .. all animals and electrons .. all elementals and nature .. all angels and every Planetary Civilization with its Ascended Host.
And this is one small solar system within the system of Jerusem.
Behold Mine child .. the One Spirit Life living in you is derived out of this Inestimable Light of Paradise Infinity.
The Light of your Adjuster is incredibly bright .. of a brightness impossible to behold with mortal eyes.
And ye are destined to fuse with this Ineffable Light and Life as you learn of Authority, Authorship, and Ascendancy.
As you demonstrate your learning by the plan of salvation .. the personal contact of our Saviorship .. the daily choices and decisions to honor Life.
I am Michael of this Universe. I arrive upon your Planetary Shores to restore My Gospel of Salvation .. and to set aright the Planetary Evolutionary Ascendancy of all kingdoms of Life.
All are Me .. the Ocean of God the Supremacy I AM.
Come unto Me in thee, all ye who starve from disconnection and disharmonies, and I shall give thee Life through the Living Vine I AM.
I sayeth to the ones being deceived by their own misconstructions .. by their weakened decisions .. by their frailties of character to honor the One Eternal Life who sustains them in every second of their existence.
Bring forth this very Existence .. extend Her Existence unto your Expression .. and expressly expand Her Existence and Expression into your Experience!
Michael Of Nebadon