Good day unto All...
He and She is the wisest one who truly comprehends their own imperfections, limitations, and ignorance, and the boundaries of their own capabilities and capacities, and learns of their possibilities in God the Father.
To derive the full quota of happiness from any part of our nature, that part must blend in harmony with all the rest; for you are to seek balance, symmetry, wholeness, and only then shall a more Universally Unified Persona emerge for thee.
Developing those awaiting Higher Perceptions and that Cosmic Alertness .. these depend upon moral choices, spirit-led decisions, spirit adjutant and mindal cooperation and collaboration togetherness.
The mind’s maturing ripeness depends upon the power of thine moment to moment attentions and awareness .. the prioritizing of values and the actualization of virtues .. and this is the result of training thyselves within our discipleship so that your normal mortal humanly endowed faculties are grown into their fuller expression, and a well-developed soul receptacle .. soul vestment comes forth .. emerging you towards My vision which I bring for all the life kingdoms evolving upon this world.
A new humanity order shall emerge .. a soul-like attitude and meaningful understanding shall dominate your mind's thoughts and your emotions feeling. A new nervous tissue of the soul shall blossom from within you and then outwards unto expression and experience.
This is the way I have always been teaching .. even in the days of our Galilean walk together .. and so many of you have returned again at this point of the 21st Century to gather thine wits, thine purpose for ascendancy .. for achievement of the circles of personality and personhood.
I sayeth unto thee .. how shall humankind reorder itself into harmony and sensibility and wholeness and the more universal sensitivities?
Human lives are destined to become more symmetrically developed .. and this symmetry shall come about only when you co-work with the Circuitry of Deity.
When ye come to know thyselves .. then shall ye reconstruct thyselves in the Light of Eternity. Then, shall ye emerge into sonship and daughtership. Ye whall knoweth of My words and the art of their applications each day.
There is so much more for you to attain towards. Thine existence is just beginning upon this Planetary Sphere.
I sayeth unto thine hearts .. bequeath thyselves to the Father Son Spirit .. to I and the Mother Nebadonia .. and to the Great Civilizations who are represented here at this time .. who have come from vast galaxies far away to share, support, and strengthen you.
For thyselves .. ourselves .. the Plan Of Salvation is through our Mutual Saviorship of Togetherness; a Salvation Plan teaching you to correct yourselves into Light .. correcting your mistakes and those more unhandsome deviations which have taken you away from Truth Everlasting.
Those inner disturbances and conflicts which have disrupted your normalcy of evolutionary growth and advancement.
Humanity hath been interrupted in their evolutionary development .. and those disruptive others who have infiltrated began to attempt remoderating human life for their own purposes. They set into motion excessive destructive developments .. fostering genetic manipulation and introducing fear and doubt and mistrust and chaos and failures for thine Race.
Verily do I come to reorder all things .. to set right the trajectories of righteousness and responsibility and respect and reverence .. a new humanity shall emerge over time with reverence for truth and revelation and reciprocity and recognition of the Source of all Life.
Our Personal Association in this Universe supplies you with the necessary empowerments of faith confidence and trustworthiness and the endowments of that inherent conviction of holding faith trust relationship with God’s Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.
Our Association dissolves your personality deficiencies .. whilst growing thine character .. and healing thine bodies physical .. and with these adjustments shall your bodies reorchestrate themselves into receptivity and a reciprocal symmetry and harmony shall develop in relationship to Me.
Whilst it is no struggle for some people to attain the fuller perfection .. for the gift of nature saves them from the greater part of the difficulty.
Thine emerging attitudes of ascendancy allow the soul to fructify in its rightful way .. the free will begins to grow strong .. you naturally attract and assimilate to thyselves those inherently good qualities of congenial universal resource and substance.
So that whatever a human earnestly desires, nature shall bring about its performance.
An earnest human life, with a purpose, shall accomplish what it attempts to achieve as you arise into My Adonai of Ascendancy.
Christ Michael