Truth and Transparency Prevail
The power of My Father’s kingdom is the establishing of the glory of the living spirit who comes even now to ennoble thine mind .. to enlarge thine heart .. to eternalize thine vision .. thine sight .. thine motivations for Truth and Life everlasting.
His spirit .. once established in thee shall uplift every particle of thine awareness and understanding .. thine identity shall become each awakened into union with his Absolute Adjuster Life .. whilst thine mind shall becometh affixed upon his glories.
My Father's Spirit Life shall dominate thee .. causing thine evolutionary ascent to become restored and permanently regenerated in him.
His rule in the hearts of every reborn citizen who is journeying upon this planetary civilization shall initiate a new creature hood for thee .. his heavenly kingdom shall thrust open all interdimensional doorways for these salvaged and newly born daughters and sons of God.
This Kingdom is the Supremacy of God .. his Life Ideal spread outward upon the creation. This shall becometh for thee a vast Kingdom wherein personalities shall thrive amidst one another .. relations between sons and daughters shall becometh mingled with the angels and all others coming from those advancing planetary civilizations who art simultaneously achieving these greater works.
This is the brotherhood of Life and the sisterhood of Love .. and it is thine wholehearted willingness which opens wide the gateways and ushers you in through the front door.
In My Father's House .. righteousness reigns and reverence overwhelms .. respect is the currency .. and receptivity for the individual blossoms .. all these attainments shall be coupled with service in and to the One Infinity.
I am come proclaiming "Peace upon this earth and good will to all .. in every Kingdom of his Life."
This kingdom of Life .. you are to go forth proclaiming far and wide to all who crave justice .. who hunger for truth .. who are starving for order and direction .. these are the desires of the good individuals of all ages .. the great hope of all those striving upon the earth .. the soul fulfillment of all those who reach into their hearts with their ready-made yearnings for this worshipful praise and honor of the Universal Father Mother .. these are the wise choices of they who seek to transmute their lifetimes of learning and experience unto love, wisdom, power, and righteousness.
I come to resurrect the dead religions of evolutionary creatures into these pristine revelations wherein truth prevails and transparency flourishes throughout the populace.
Michael Of Nebadon