Understanding your Personal Existence

The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readAug 14, 2024

As ye receive him, ye shall becometh of illumination, ye shall becometh of consciousness .. a self-directive and self-determinative intelligence .. consciously acquiring of the soul, wherein so shall you findeth the All-encompassing Christ.

Receiving him refers not to a definite act, but to a multitude of daily acts and moral choices; a prolonged process of one-pointed desire, a singularity of dedication, and a devotional praiseful living and ongoing development.

In meeting the conditions of this process of soul unfoldment, ye shall truly become the sons and daughters of God wherein Immortality is established.

Becoming the daughters and sons of God refers to these prolonged stages of growth rather than to a specific act. This is just one small understanding revelation which shall evolutionize human beings in their search for security and stability. It is the privilege of all individual men and women to become the sons and daughters of God by the mastery of their autonomous authorship.

All have free will to decide what they shall desire to become. If they choose the true life, and if they live in harmony with the divine standard, they shall reach Illumination. They shall pass through the eye of the needle.

Through personal Illumination, through soul development and spirit unification, they shall each become the sons and daughters of God, and they shall becometh recipients of the Power and Grace that always attends Illumination.

No longer shall humankind deny that they are potentially the sons and daughters of God. No longer shall you each admit to thyself that you are a poor, depraved creature of unworthiness and inferiority; for God himself teaches that, if human personality will receive Him, each one shall have the emerging power to become the daughters and sons of God by personal grace and certainty and security .. by personal intimacy contact with their own indwelling .. by the all-powerful stabilizing Hand of God in their midst.

By personal spiritual relationship communion and the consideration of more elevated cosmic meanings and exalting moral values, human life is headed towards ennobling itself and eternalizing itself hourly and daily.

Humankind alone is responsible for what they are. God gave you the privilege of your creativity and the prerogative of an authorship with autonomous free will, an inalienable right of existence .. a fulfilling nature to gain mastery within, and still does the First Source and Center sustain, nurture, preserve, and continually give to you the same opportunity to become greater in stature and in the advancing consciousness of a true selfhood.

If human life refuses to accept this privilege, he alone is responsible. Yet, no one shall believe in him, unless he accepts these Sevenfold ideas and applies these exalting teachings and lives a life in accordance with the ideas and ideals of these teachings; for the material-origins of humanity can believe only in the material world until they reach their hand for the All-encompassing Hand of Deity..

Darkness cannot know the light. For the same reason, it is impossible for the materialist, the one who is not awakened to the higher realities, to believe in his name. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become sons and daughters of God .. immortal and eternally free, even to them that believe on his name."

The same opportunity is open today. All who will, may come forth to arise beyond their limitations to enter progressively by the acceptance and acknowledgement and day to day awakening of the One authority in their midst; by the autonomous authorship of their own creative nature bestowed upon them by the Almighty God.

Michael Of Nebadon
The Sevenfold Revelation of Christ Michael



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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