Universal Light and Life
Universal Light hath more properties than ever man hath dreamt of. It hath vibration so fine in ether that incandescence cometh .. it reacheth thine mortal eyes in aspect of waves;
I say it doth ever more than can ye discover in thine imaginings .. it hath more than incandescence .. it performeth a greater wonder than that men and women may see in darkness .. it cometh to man sustaining his spirit, it maketh miracles to happen.
I say Light is more! Light is the shibboleth .. the protective force .. of the Host when manifesting .. yet likewise doth Light manifest unto itself .. having its properties to bring order from chaos.
Lo .. I am Father Son unto all in this universe.
Perceive as well in our Supremacy and Wholeness that we are brethren in that I am in you and you are in me .. the work that we do is beauteous, bold, and it causes thine hearts to beat most rapidly .. we dwell in a universal fellowship .. we make the earth beautiful for all lives and kingdoms.
Yet do the unwise and immature ones make for us obstructions .. they have confusions in their bosoms, their intellects tear them into pieces .. they say amongst themselves, What would we of radiance? Are we not found out and exposed if radiance cometh, finding us?
I tell you they knoweth no surcease .. their bosom ever wracketh themselves .. they loseth their endarkened substance if light doth sit with them; lo, their pleasures tear them unless they vaunteth not their valiance for the Father's Life within.
The endarkened and disloyal ones .. they attempteth thine downfall .. they seeketh thine perplexities .. they goeth out and cometh in amongst you delighting to divert you .. to tease you with false profitings and fledgling commiserations.
Behold .. we are concerned with making earth orderly and of harmony .. with raising her upward .. with obtaining for the righteous man his naturality of increase .. with restoring to the righteous that which hath been losings from these centuries of misgiving.
Would the young ones who rebel from the light not halt it? What beauty seeth they who are unredeemable in declaring sweet order? In performing a peace? In restoring the losings? On rendering their judgments?
Harken to mine utterings fellows of Salvington .. the things that ye do are important to me; behold they concern the kingdom of splendor .. they have intent to help humankind and the kingdoms of the world .. they make a smooth forehead allowing thine brow to shine forth .. they give the purse of the soul a fullness.
When have I ever said to you that order cometh not? That peace cometh not? That restoring cometh not? That the fullness of the living purse was a vileness unto majesty?
Human beings vaunteth themselves now .. they saith to themself, Lo, we behold the light when we see it.
Human life dwelleth in the light all around them .. the splendor of it blindeth him .. wherefore he saith, the light is denied us, who will bring it to us?
He rejecteth the fountainhead and its emanations where his blindness might drop from him.
Lo .. must I take him to the fountain? Must I lift him in its basin? Must I unveil his vision?
Harken unto mine uttering .. Light, I have enlightened you, is creator of all good; it is of that substance whereby the return of your spirits into earthly bodies is determined . . .
Ye servers of Mine attestments .. go forth and bring outwards thine Light, let it shine unto all.
Michael Of Nebadon