University of Salvington

The Sovrnty Foundation
2 min readSep 22, 2024

absolutum charitas ab origine
With absolute love of the Deity Source

Salvington University is the new school of the Planet. Dedicated to Evolve, Heal, Bless, Educate, Illumine, and Ascend qualifying individuals of every race and religious persuasion and orientation.

University Of Salvington
The Salvington School

Colleges of the Planetary Civilization
School of the Planetary Prince

Salvington College
Holy Comforter World Retreat
College Of the Orientation
Preparations for Apostleship

A Salvington School of Individual Preparations for Apostleship with Christ Michael

Illuminatum College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Intentional Concentration and Cooperation and Collaboration Willingness

A Salvington School of the Holy Walk within the Circuitry of Life

Ascendancia College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Free Will Decision and Determination Desire

A Salvington School of Mind Attainment and the Evolutionary Development of the Higher Urges and Impulses of Will

Eternalis College
Trinity Retreat
College Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception

A Salvington School of the Eternalization of Mindal Attunement and the Spiritualization of Free Will in Advancing all Moral Decisions and Spiritual Choices toward Developing Individual Potentials, Planetary Progress, and Global Cultural Advancement

Supremacia College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity

A Salvington School of the Universe Mother Spirit in the Enhancement of all Meanings, Values, Virtues, and the Ennoblement of Mind Soul Maturity and Receptivity

Infinitas College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Purity and Progressive Ascension

A Salvington School of Personality Actualization and Ascendancy Enhancing all Potentials of Personahood and its selfhood

Universalis College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Healing Emanation and Power

A Salvington School of Awakening and Establishing Soul Growth and the Receptivity Capacities of the Soul Vestment of Mind and Will and Personahood

Resurrectionem College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Service and Christhood Resurrection

A Salvington School of Eternity Expansion of the Whole Self of Material, Intellectual, and Spiritual

Salutem College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration

A Salvington School fostering the development of the Planetary Civilization and the Unfoldment of Mortal Evolutionary Attainment into
Cosmic Citizenship

Absoluta College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Yoga Totality, Wholeness, and Immortality of the Holy Kumaras of Venus

A Salvington School and Center of Learning and Cultural Planetary Achievement in the Biologic and Physical, Intellectual, Soulic, Social, and Spiritual Developments

Trinity College
White Lily Retreat
College Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender

A Salvington School of the Bestowal of the Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter of Vision, Verities, Volitions, and the Eternity Fellowship with the Universe Father Son Michael

Imperium College
Cosmic Citizenship Retreat
College Of Quickening into the Garment of Immortality

A Salvington School of the Finalization of Planetary Evolution and Mortal Learnings upon the Sea of Glass at the Resurrection Temple

Liberi College
Children's Garden of Angelic Joy and Happiness

A Salvington School of the opening sensitivities for responsibility of expression and experiential wisdom growth

2024. Sovrnty Trust. All rights reserved.



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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