Urantia Planetary Fellows...
I am come unto thine civilization as the Will of the Paradise Deities to begin reconnecting and restoring this civilization into the Universe Circuits of Infinity Intelligence.
To further augment the Race into its destiny revelation as eternal daughters and sons of relationship and reconciliation .. restoration and repentance .. renewal and rejuvenation .. resuscitation and receptivity.
The Trinitarian Values and Cardinal Virtues shall be established upon your world in good time.
The Adjutant mind-spirits of the Universe Mother shall continue their ministering grace upon the minds and wills and priorities of individuals worldwide.
The Avonal Magisterial Mission shall become established alongside the reorganization of the School of the Planetary Prince for the planetary civilization as a whole.
The Material Son and Daughter ministry shall rebuild its momentums for the biological uplifting of the human biology whilst the Magisterial Mission of the Order of Avonals shall reignite all lesser propensities towards seeking Absoluteness and the Objectivity of Truth.
Your Race shall be entering into its intended Evolutionary Progressive Ascendancy of all Personalities.
I entered your world in your year 1985, and thereafter began earnestly the educational intention which I had planned during this advent of Mine own understandings.
Then, in the year 2011, My educational quest to even better understand the evolutionary creature journey began to come to an end.
Thereafter, in My sojourn as a creature of your realm and progression, I began to unify all interests. All energetic vibrations came into the fullness of their alignments in 2011 and then in 2016, a further augmentation of My Eternal Personhood began its expression and ministry in demonstrating the artful living of the Father's Life and Will in this human formed experience.
In this bestowed mission of Mine Eternity Personhood and My Father Son representation, I hold a further intention in uplifting thine Planetary Civilization towards its next several epochs of Personality Illumination and Planetary Development.
Now, I share with you a portion of the revelatory papers which I have brought to the kingdoms of thine world sphere.
20:6.3 (229.2) As Jesus worked on your world as the carpenter’s son, so do other Paradise Sons labor in various capacities on their bestowal planets.
You could hardly think of a vocation that has not been followed by some Paradise Son in the course of his bestowal on some one of the evolutionary planets of time.
20:6.4 (229.3) When a bestowal Son has mastered the experience of living the mortal life, when he has achieved perfection of attunement with his indwelling Adjuster, thereupon he begins that part of his planetary mission designed to illuminate the minds and to inspire the souls of his brethren in the flesh.
As teachers, these Sons are exclusively devoted to the spiritual enlightenment of the mortal races on the worlds of their sojourn.
20:6.5 (229.4) The mortal-bestowal careers of the Michaels and the Avonals, while comparable in most respects, are not identical in all: Never does a Magisterial Son proclaim, “Whosoever has seen the Son has seen the Father,” as did your Creator Son when on Urantia and in the flesh. But a bestowed Avonal does declare, “Whosoever has seen me has seen the Eternal Son of God.”
The Magisterial Sons are not of immediate descent from the Universal Father, nor do they incarnate subject to the Father’s will; always do they bestow themselves as Paradise Sons subject to the will of the Eternal Son of Paradise.
Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship